Sunday 2 May 2010

Fire, I want you to burn... (Is that how the song goes?)

So, last night as I left to go to the Rhein-in-Flammen (Rhine in Flames), I discovered that my building was on fire. Quite a big fire at that. Big enough to warrant 15 fire engines and a few ambulance vans to boot. You would have thought that there would have been something to let the people inside the building know that they should probably leave, but there are in fact no fire alarms at all in the building. I'm no expert on German Fire Safety Law, but I would have thought that in a large communal, student residence like this that there would have to besome sort of requirement, no? In any case, I wasn't affected as it was at the other end of the building and I went on to look at the prettier fire display in the park.

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